Deepen Your Connection & Master Techniques for Your Child's Pain Relief and Better Sleep Through the Power of Massage! 

Strengthen your parent-child relationship in just three days!  
Learn directly from Dr. Karen Molano how to massage your little one for bonding, healing, improved sleep, 
and overall wellness


Transform your Parenting with the Art of Infant Massage: Embrace a Journey of Growth and Bonding!
Welcome to a transformative journey into the world of parenting excellence! Are you ready to embrace a holistic approach that nurtures not just your children, but also your own growth as a parent? Our LumiTot Infant Massage Program can empower you to target the most important years in your little one's life:


Discover a new level of clarity with our Lumitot Infant Massage Masterclass, where you'll unlock the secrets to enhancing your baby's sleep, easing discomforts like gas and colic, and forging a deep, enduring bond. This masterclass is more than just a learning experience; it's a key to unlocking a world of confidence in your parenting skills. Learn how the power of gentle touch not only soothes common infant ailments but also to establishes a foundation of trust and connection from the earliest days. Whether you're battling sleepless nights, navigating the challenges of colic and gas, or seeking to strengthen the bond with your little one, our expert-guided sessions offer practical, hands-on techniques that you can apply from the day your little one is born. Join us in transforming the essentials of care into moments of deep connection and tranquility for you and your child.
Imagine a world where you understand your child's needs at a profound level, where conflicts are resolved with empathy and respect, and where you confidently navigate the challenges of parenthood. Picture yourself fearlessly moving through the intricacies of parenthood not just today, but through their teen years and into adulthood.

Step into a realm of empowerment as you shape both the present and the foundation for a lifetime of boundless growth for your little one. Envision a future where your child can tap into their unlimited potential while minimizing physical and emotional challenges, limiting chronic illness, and establishing the platform for a thriving existence that surpasses expectations. By learning simple and fun techniques and strengthening bonds and connections you can set your children off to the best start!  

Our LumiTot Infant Massage Program is designed to equip you with practical tools and timeless wisdom to guide you on this enlightening expedition and you can do it from the comfort of your own home! This is not just a course, it is a pathway to deeper connections, enhanced well-being, and holistic development of your child. 

Get ready to surpass conventional methods of nurturing exceptional children; embark on a journey that takes you from being a wonderful parent to becoming an extraordinary one, catalyzing a transformative experience! Unlike any program you have encountered, it does not just reshape your parenting—it molds both you and your child's future into something remarkable.

We give parents the confidence and the knowledge to provide the best foundation for their children so they can raise happy, healthy, kind, successful, and thriving children. And have fun while doing so! 

Nurture Pregnancy and The First Five Years and unlock a lifetime of limitless possibilities!


  • Enhanced Bonding
  • ​Improved Sleep
  • ​Stress Reduction
  • ​Pain Relief
  • ​Strengthened Immunity
  • ​Improved Digestion and Reduced Constipation
  • ​Emotional Regulation
  • ​Enhanced Communication
  • ​Reduction in Postnatal Depression
  • ​Increased Weight Gain
  • Better Circulation
  • Improved muscle tone and coordination

Ideal for expecting parents and those with children ages 0-5


"Dr. Molano was extremely instrumental in developing the best and most appropriate plans for the children and families she served. The best part of working with Dr. Molano was seeing her genuine desire to ensure each child had the most appropriate plan to help each child with their individual needs and to help them meet their potential."

Art Lieras, Former Regional Administrator for the Department of Children and Family Services in Los Angeles
"I have gotten to know Dr. Molano quite well through our work together and can and will thoroughly vouch for her character and abilities. Dr. Molano has the very rare ability to make a connection with each and every individual she works with. She is passionate about the work she performs and has made it her life's mission to help children gain better mental health. I find Dr. Molano to be a very strong leader, self-motivated, enthusiastic, and again, passionate about her life's work. She has a pleasant and positive attitude and she makes even the toughest tasks seem cool, fun, and interesting. I know she will treat your children with the utmost care and concern."

Colleen McDuffy, ASW,MSW,MS/P
Your programs are so inspiring! When I listen to them, I automatically feel positive like you sprinkle little sunshine dust! Your tone of voice and approach is so inviting and I love the way you present the material! Excellent work! I am obsessed with your courses! You need to become a motivational speaker! 

-Martha Coria 
I was a little nervous as a first time mom. learning infant massage was a game changer! It was one thing I knew how to do once my baby was born and I felt like it was one thing I knew how to do! And it is so much fun! It has really helped me connect to my baby without feeling like I am just babbling. And I am so excited that I can establish this as an ongoing routine for many years to come! THANK YOU SO MUCH, Dr. Molano!



Infant Massage Techniques

Learn the art of nurturing touch with expertly crafted techniques designed for both infants and toddlers. Discover how to create moments of connection and relaxation that will benefit your child's well-being and deepen your bond.

Programming Your Child's Subconscious for Success

Unlock the secrets to intentionally shaping your child's subconscious mind for a brighter future. Explore powerful techniques that lay the foundation for a lifetime of confidence, resilience, and success and learn how to incorporate them into infant massage practices.

Nutritional Wisdom for Optimal Brain Health and Gut Development

Delve into the world of nutrition and discover the key ingredients that promote healthy brain development and support a robust gut. Gain valuable insights into nourishing your child's body and mind for their best start in life.

Aligning Your Parenting Mindset for Fun and Ease

Find your parenting flow by getting into alignment with expert guidance. Learn how to cultivate a mindset that makes parenting a joyous and effortless journey, enhancing your child's growth and your own well-being.

And much much more!

Ready to dive in? Whether you are craving more details, eager to snag the program, or want to stay in the loop, just a single click will get you there! 

The Mastermind Behind the LumiTot Method

Meet Dr. Karen Molano: a bilingual Clinical Psychologist, Infant, Family, and Early Childhood Specialist, and Brain Optimization Expert. Her mission is to empower parents, guiding them to ensure their children thrive from pregnancy through the pivotal first five years and beyond.

Drawing from her deep expertise in psychology, integrative mental health, neuro-nutrition, quantum physics, physical well-being, environmental influences, brain health, and gut health, Dr. Molano presents a revolutionary approach. She is here to redefine how we nurture brain health and enhance mood.

With over two decades of hands-on experience working closely with children and their families, Dr. Molano is dedicated to supporting parents. Her passion lies in crafting personalized lifestyle strategies that lay the foundation for optimal brain health. By elevating quality of life and tapping into each child's potential, she ensures that their journey toward adulthood is marked by strength and success.


I don’t have any children, but I am pregnant and want to prepare as much as possible. Can I sign up for this program?
Absolutely, starting now would be a fantastic decision! The insights and strategies you will gain will equip you to navigate the changes that lie ahead with confidence and grace. When your little one arrives, you will already have the skills to implement the LumiTot Infant Massage strategies right from birth! They will help you during that transition between childbirth and having a newborn! And you will have the confidence to know what to do, especially when it is your first little one!   

Nurturing your child's development begins even before they are born – building the architecture of their brain starts within the womb. By joining our program during your pregnancy, you are not only setting a strong foundation for your baby's growth but also taking proactive steps to prepare yourself personally as a parent.

So, don't wait – seize this opportunity to invest in both your child's future and your own journey into parenthood, right from the very start!
How is this program different from other parenting resources?
Our program stands out from other parenting resources in a truly transformative way. What sets us apart is our unique blend of Eastern and Western medicine, seamlessly teaching you a holistic lifestyle approach to raising a child. This approach doesn't just touch on emotional well-being but also extends to their physical health – a crucial combination for a thriving child.

Our infant massage program is integrated with The LumiTot Method, which is built upon multiple pillars that encompass various aspects of parenting. Imagine having insights from diverse professionals across different fields all in one place. It is this comprehensive fusion that allows us to offer a truly unparalleled experience, guiding you through pivotal years of your child's journey while also providing strategies to minimize potential issues faced in adulthood and old age.

But here is the true magic: our program does not just shape your child's journey; it also sparks transformation within you as a parent. The journey of parenting, after all, is not just about nurturing your child's growth; it is about your own evolution as well. With us, you are not just embarking on a parenting program – you are stepping into a life-altering journey that redefines your approach to parenting and, ultimately, to life itself.
How long will it take to complete this program?
Our program is designed as a live, three-day event, with each session packed with 1 1/2 hours of valuable content and learning. As a VIP, you will receive a bonus hour on day 3. It's a convenient format that ensures you receive the maximum benefit in a concise timeframe, and you will walk away with a full set of skills to successfully implement infant massage. 
What if I can’t make it to the live session?
We understand the fast-paced nature of daily life, which is why we offer you two options: 1) you will have 24 hr access to watch the replay if you hold a general admission ticket; 2) as a VIP, you will get the course for a lifetime. Your convenience and peace of mind are our top priorities.
Will both parents have access to this program?
Absolutely! We are strong proponents of both parents actively participating in their child's journey, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to embark on this program together. As a matter of fact, whether you hold a general admission or VIP admission, we allow you to bring one loved one! Bring your spouse, partner, or any other significant individual in your child's life. We believe that a united approach enhances the program's impact, fostering a shared understanding and nurturing environment that is truly invaluable. So, rest assured, both parents can dive into this transformative journey hand in hand.
What if I am a single parent or a primary caregiver, but not the biological parent?
So glad you asked! Parents don’t always come in sets of two and they don’t always come in the form of biological parents. If you are a part of a child's life in any way, shape, or form, you matter! Jump right in!
What if I have more questions?
We are here to help! Reaching out with your questions is easy. You can always drop us an email at We are here to provide you with the support and answers you need, every step of the way. Your questions matter to us, and we will ensure you have all the information you seek.


Learn directly from Dr. Karen Molano, the pediatric brain architect
 and secure 4 1/2 hours of her expertise at a fraction of her standard rate!

100% Money Back Guarantee!
Full RISK FREE, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! We are so confident that you'll get so much value from our time together that if by the end of this course you don't think you received your money's worth from the minimal investment, then just let us know and we will refund you, no questions asked! Sound good?! Perfect! Can't wait to see you in the class! 

Nurture Pregnancy 
and the 
First Five Years: 

Unlock a Lifetime of Limitless Possibilities 

Disclaimer: This course is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any physical or psychological diseases or conditions. The information provided in this course is based on personal experience and research, and it is not a substitute for professional advice or guidance. By enrolling in this course, you acknowledge and agree that you assume all risks associated with using the advice and techniques provided, with full understanding that you are solely responsible for any outcomes that may occur as a result of implementing this information, regardless of your interpretation of the advice and techniques. Furthermore, you agree that LumiTot, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, and agents, cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your actions based on the information presented in this course. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional or expert for specific concerns related to your child's health and well-being. Your participation in this course indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
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